Last updated: 2024-12-16 07:16
Raid Fullclear
CompletelyTrash [cT]
 2:49:15 Vale Guardian Spirit Woods Gorseval the Multifarious Sabetha the Saboteur Slothasor Bandit Trio Matthias Gabrel Keep Construct Xera Cairn the Indomitable Mursaat Overseer Samarog Deimos Soulless Horror Eyes Dhuum Conjured Amalgamate Twin Largos Qadim Cardinal Adina Cardinal Sabir Qadim the Peerless Greer the Blightbringer Decima the Stormsinger Ura
Wing 1
 12:07 Vale Guardian Spirit Woods Gorseval the Multifarious Sabetha the Saboteur Partition
 1:41 Vale Guardian Vale Guardian Areki Mirai Imaginary Boons Subi Spirit Vale Ayreen The Second Helga Vardr Dogbender Kerkhoven Mighty Melanie Qreame Mastro The Mechanic
 0:34 Spirit Woods Spirit Woods Bursty Nightfade Earenya Elentári Kadera Nightfall Oh Mein Gad Yuna Lynn Jaiila Net Fire Pink Is Classy Renatus Reineke Royæro
 1:32 Gorseval the Multifarious Gorseval the Multifarious Areki Mirai Imaginary Boons Subi Spirit Vale Asteria Nux Asdsadfasfadadsddsd Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave Ida Sessions Qreame
 2:16 Sabetha the Saboteur Sabetha the Saboteur Areki Mirai Imaginary Boons Subi Spirit Vale Asteria Nux Asdsadfasfadadsddsd Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave Ida Sessions Qreame
Wing 2
 10:47 Slothasor Bandit Trio Matthias Gabrel Partition
 1:34 Slothasor Slothasor Frost Melanie Slippery Svenling Subi Rem No Cleansing Bolts Areki Wipes Eyes Imagine Wyverns Amaryel Emberwave Myra Sylvia Ewweewewewewewewewe Qreane
 6:24 Bandit Trio Bandit Trio Ai Haysaca Avalîa Emrakul Aeonstorm Ruby Loves Coffee Sinanea Arxz Y Bams Beater 🦊Keira Boon Enjoyer Lohsea Mhálaichsea
 1:36 Matthias Gabrel Matthias Gabrel Lynetheth The Wise Lys Illusionmist Shadower X N Arcana Steiner Condi Mech Kulïo Malleus Tempo Beaming Toilet Captain Sinbad Peter Popie
Wing 3
 8:16 Keep Construct Xera Partition
 3:22 Siege the Stronghold Siege the Stronghold Hal Kadash Khandra Winterson La Mesmy Turambar Snow Ayane Swordbringer Flagranti Miles A Frozen Flower Auriellè No Dps Only Memes Sinily The Engineer
 3:00 Keep Construct Keep Construct Areki Roles Dotzip Jacqueline La Motta Echos Of Memory Asdasdasdasdasdasd Ayreen The Second Tilted Mela Niamh Lilacveil Qreape Subihold Of The Myra Sylvia
 3:30 Keep Construct Keep Construct CM Najda Moonwalker Poussièr De Portail 🥖️Mais Fétai Fur Eazyr José Beurre Salé Héfilia Lävä Farar Griffe Acier Daya Petimi Bam Bam Bam Le Buro
 0:44 Twisted Castle Twisted Castle Areki Roles Dotzip Frost Melanie Cael Windtalon Lolidudu Jacqueline La Motta Echos Of Memory Subihold Of The Asdasdasdasdasdasd Tilted Mela Qreape Asteria Nux Areki Never Ported Imagine Wyverns
 3:47 Xera Xera Frost Melanie Twice As Malicious Cael Windtalon Lolidudu Zazabert Echos Of Memory Subihold Of The Asteria Nux Areki Never Ported Asdsadfasfadadsddsd
Wing 4
 12:02 Cairn the Indomitable Mursaat Overseer Samarog Deimos Unclaimed
 0:48 Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable Folium Nelumbo J Monkie Letter To Visenya Naeriá Dé La Curio Venom Of Downstate 🚀Ayaaaaa Cairn Daddy I Need Alacrity Kim Chae Soo Koszkaty Me Say Alone Lamp
 1:02 Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable CM A Ciottolo Clone Based Damage Brirock Que Pereza Me Dais 🍕Turbo Daran Asdogs Illusia Felabeorth Investor Dorian 💢Little Mazz Vegzio
 0:55 Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer Áurelia Côraxis I Need Alacrity 🚀Ayaaaaa Cairn Daddy Me Say Alone Lamp Venom Of Downstate Koszkaty Letter To Visenya 💢Little Mazz Kim Chae Soo Makí Zenín
 1:31 Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer CM Elehere Gf Druid Meme Grrrbox Multina Myst Triton Hefe I Me But Fluffy Slomanna Sookyl Ziina Eezu
 2:54 Samarog Samarog Echos Of Memory Mirabelle Nyx Subi Ram Areki Never Ported Cdd Takes No Skill Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Ida Sessions Qreame Ewweewewewewewewewe
 4:28 Samarog Samarog CM Attack The Illusion Demon Donkster Literally Confused P M Aeon The Cykle Ends Illusive Nacho 💅Pretty On Pink 💅Qinec Of Nature Regimentalist Rohan Of The East Subgroup Two Go Ice
 2:26 Deimos Deimos Gf Druid Meme Letter To Kate Lily J Otter Subgroup Two Go Ice Teheris Milenium Aryn Weyy Hemorroid Harvester Illuusio Jarmo 🚀Moa Is Dps Loss Trying And Failing
 4:09 Deimos Deimos CM The Miragon Hlana Geirbjorn Rillusion Of Pride Lara Noctua Aria Aryn Fara Guardian Asuna Ikumi Thaléna Charr Privilege Mooncát
Wing 5
 18:23 Soulless Horror Eyes Dhuum Ultimately raise [uR]
 1:44 Soulless Horror Soulless Horror Areki Sneeze Oracle Pm Me Your X Rays Subi Hanekawa Dogbender Guard Buff When Kerkhoven Myraebos Elixir Melanie Mastro The Mechanic Qreane
 1:52 Soulless Horror Soulless Horror CM Areki Sneeze Oracle Imaginary Baguette Aurora Foxi Subi Hanekawa Andrea Valento Saevel The Corrupt Shadower X N Qreame Elixir Melanie Bad Architect Jr
 2:02 River of Souls River of Souls Areki Sneeze Oracle Subi Tan Ayreen The Second Niamh Lilacveil Purple Class Monkas Asteria Nux Qleane Mighty Melanie Purîty Of Purpose Ewweewewewewewewewe
 1:43 Broken King Broken King Dana The Kitóshi Dyffa Lorelia Dragneel Mirra Illo Soulwink Glmech Mika Spengler Mona Chi Musta Rastablasta Viktoria Distortion
 1:41 Eater of Souls Eater of Souls Big Boon Girlfriend Crystarialle Insinööri Jarmo Mr Kinko Sylvia Half ❄️Despair Too Hard Lucy Aetha Nutella And Chill Ranny Forven Rumî
 0:22 Eyes Eyes Areki Sneeze Oracle Subi Tan Ayreen The Second Tilted Mela Niamh Lilacveil Purple Class Monkas Asteria Nux Qleane Purîty Of Purpose Ewweewewewewewewewe
 4:23 Dhuum Dhuum Areki Boils Frogs Subi Tan Maleficent Sven Shy Mela You Only Wipe Once Andrea Valento Cdd Takes No Skill Docanus Myraebos Ewweewewewewewewewe
 5:28 Dhuum Dhuum CM P M Anni Maràh Kawai Sora Wehenna Seekin Takes Shiro Grandpa Stefan Jezeken Altheana Dur Bam Bam Bam Le Buro Stone Flint
Wing 6
 13:42 Conjured Amalgamate Twin Largos Qadim Partition
 1:40 Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate Artemis Wildfire Spezielle Bohne Hendrika Popie Lady Luna Artemis Untamed Toilet Sakurai Izumi Shadower X M Scareecrovv Aurora Foxi Arcana Steiner
 1:44 Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate CM Curiey I Buy Raids Imaginary Pal Pufin Symph Fainne Kidarii Ragnaar Steelmane Rev Lovejöy Specialist Mimo Zenodorus
 2:14 Twin Largos Twin Largos Jacqueline La Motta Qweane Pm Me Your X Rays Subi Hanekawa Myraebos Areki Wipes Eyes Asdsadfasfadadsddsd Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave
 3:45 Twin Largos Twin Largos CM Toxic Female Maràh Believe In Joko Seekin Takes Shiro Jezeken Jane Flint Nuclarion Eoguin Altheana Dur Bam Bam Bam Le Buro
 4:38 Qadim Qadim Areki Presses F One Aileen Hammerfall The Dragon Waits Subi Exeunt Asteria Nux Docanus No Cleansing Bolts Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Ewweewewewewewewewe
 5:52 Qadim Qadim CM Tincho Arg Hooopsooo Àtënea Clonazepanic Moôn Mistwalker Strickzito N Kameowar Reboúnd Woops Fire Remilia Crisantemo
Wing 7
 9:14 Cardinal Adina Cardinal Sabir Qadim the Peerless Partition
 2:25 Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina Heal Bladesworn Qweane Big Boy Myra Echos Of Memory Areki Boils Frogs Subi Sukebe Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave Ida Sessions
 2:49 Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina CM A Ciottolo Clone Based Damage 🍕Daran Soul Beast Goofy D Panther Ranni La Bruja 💢Arcane Font Ârtemiis Crystal Mïrage N C D O P E Tecnobabble
 2:15 Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir Qweane Heal Bladesworn Big Boy Myra Echos Of Memory Areki Boils Frogs Subi Sukebe Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave Ida Sessions
 2:55 Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir CM A Ciottolo Clone Based Damage 🍕Daran Soul Beast Goofy D Panther Ranni La Bruja 💢Arcane Font Ârtemiis Crystal Mïrage N C D O P E Tecnobabble
 2:55 Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless Areki Boils Frogs Ayreen The Second Pm Me Your X Rays Subi Hanekawa Shy Mela Andrea Valento Petoox Cdd Takes No Skill Myraebos Qreame
 4:40 Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless CM Giada Dur Believe In Joko Seekin Takes Shiro Ne Pars Pas Sasuke Ties And Marriage Zeon Nightfang Cripple And Chill Jezeken Nuclarion Stone Flint
Wing 8
 22:31 Greer the Blightbringer Decima the Stormsinger Ura CompletelyTrash [cT]
 6:20 Greer the Blightbringer Greer the Blightbringer Lynetheth The Wise Lys Illusionmist Hidps Shadower X N Truus Popie Burning Toilet Arcana Steiner Kulïo Captain Sinbad Giga Stonks
 3:13 Decima the Stormsinger Decima the Stormsinger Aazak Dread Fluffy Ari Maria Elsa Viktoria Not Minas Periphery Vi Cerus Won Hot Plink Mavis Jak Z Bajki Rochanar Tinder Catfisher
 3:16 Ura Ura Lynetheth The Wise Lys Illusionmist Shadower X N Burning Toilet Truus Popie Arcana Steiner Captain Sinbad Giga Stonks Kulïo Malleus Tempo
Fractal CM Fullclear
 1:03:39 M A M A Siax the Corrupted Ensolyss of the Endless Torment Skorvald the Shattered Artsariiv Arkk Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus Eparch Unclaimed
 0:20 M A M A M A M A CM Blinker City Ho I Sic Em Lost Ark Queue Theophysi Tumbling Magic
 0:20 Siax the Corrupted Siax the Corrupted CM Cynthia Cirilla Dt Forced Me Katty Softpaw No Stab Plz Superspeed Cat
 1:42 Ensolyss of the Endless Torment Ensolyss of the Endless Torment CM Cynthia Cirilla Dt Forced Me Katty Softpaw No Stab Plz Superspeed Cat
 0:59 Skorvald the Shattered Skorvald the Shattered CM Dt Forced Me Katty Softpaw No Stab Plz Kate Beatriz Superspeed Cat
 0:35 Artsariiv Artsariiv CM Katty Softpaw No Stab Plz I Trap Kawaii Neko Nya Superspeed Cat
 1:27 Arkk Arkk CM Dt Forced Me Katty Softpaw No Stab Plz Superspeed Cat Yinuun
 2:27 Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Clubbit Her Divine Shdw Plats Furry Shavris Estedia Torment Is Balance
 1:01 Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Barrage Slave Her Divine Shdw Josep In Da Hood L U L E Classic On With The Show
 6:06 Ai (Full Encounter) Ai (Full Encounter) CM Malia Flamepaws Dodged Off The Edge Yollllo Ákvel Modern Viking
 3:45 Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus CM Alïpheese Deadly Môe Imagine Playing Nec Noori Lay Tosh Deah
 2:45 Eparch Eparch CM Alissa Nèmésis Kuroinai Platin Dark Prosto Revenant Tryphos Portals
IBS Strikes
 9:23 Icebrood Construct The Voice and The Claw Fraenir of Jormag Boneskinner Whisper of Jormag Strax
 0:34 Icebrood Construct Icebrood Construct Cat Tryphos Furvenius Haewon Seong Plats Furry Vpo Roleplay ❄️Artillery Shower Continuum Barrage Furry R P So Untamed Grzegorz Subgroup Two Go Ice
 0:20 The Voice and The Claw The Voice and The Claw Budget Miku Cat Tryphos Continuum Barrage ❄️Despair Too Hard Coldis Basément Fur Haewon Seong Forsen Cd Miners Plats Furry Barrage Slave Grzegorz V Barrage
 1:07 Fraenir of Jormag Fraenir of Jormag Furry R P Budget Miku Cat Tryphos Continuum Barrage Subgroup Two Go Ice ❄️Eir Sága Grze Gorz Haewon Seong Barrage Slave Plats Furry
 0:36 Boneskinner Boneskinner Furvenius Haewon Seong Plats Furry Tryphos Heals Vpo Roleplay Coldis Basément Fur Continuum Barrage ❄️Eir Sága So Untamed Grzegorz Subgroup Two Go Ice
 1:37 Whisper of Jormag Whisper of Jormag Tryphos Heals Furry R P Budget Miku Continuum Barrage Subgroup Two Go Ice ❄️Eir Sága Grze Gorz Haewon Seong Barrage Slave Plats Furry
 2:10 Freezie Freezie Five Guun Nyriára Tümpelkönig Danidomum Nyanho Techno Noodle Cya Flammenhand Enzane Elements Maja The Queen Bee Lightning Orb Ele
EoD Strikes
 29:01 Captain Mai Trin Ankka Minister Li Void Amalgamate Unclaimed
 3:41 Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin Ebel Rallybot Actinium Lne Equals Two Seekin Who Asked Virta Blade ❄️Eir Sága Caeturin Meta Animations Aurelia Ascension The Killdviána I
 5:03 Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin CM Altheana Dur P M Aeon Technospoon The Cykle Ends Yui Matar A Withering Rose Qreame Saphire Brightlight Seekin Takes Shiro Yukari Reki
 3:12 Ankka Ankka Clown E Manigold De Cancer Riddle Of Blades Tythan Regulus Cfox Seven Pahuda Anbörn Sakura Míyawaki Sakai Moka Yydz
 4:26 Ankka Ankka CM Nika Sharpshooter Budget Miku Phantasmal Yuí Mio Minato Aella Asteria Nelliel Muet Draghoh Arcane Brillíance Haewon Seong V P E
 5:43 Minister Li Minister Li Elissa Silversword Meralames Risen Sheep Rylanaxxx Ulthgardd Eyezon Dabutt Gentledoom Kalli Nai Katsumi Akayuki Soulweaver
 6:27 Minister Li Minister Li CM Altheana Dur Cripple And Chill P M Aeon Qreame Yui Matar A Withering Rose Cyk You Thought Open Portal On Tag Seekin Takes Shiro Yukari Reki
 5:15 Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate Inari The Tsunless Lightning Q Mist Drop Stellar Enchant Zeyrhk Composite Charnivorous Meau Everlee Roe Jinyi Rinali The One Who Tricked Vivi Holosticks
 8:17 Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate CM Aella Asteria Just A Vanhticator Kim Yon Soo Ríckzy Venti Vindi Vici Kyæmi Laughs In Illusions Lebensmitteltausch Magister Beksinski What Do I Play
 5:56 Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court Aella Asteria Isáye Pope Manizach Risen Sheep Venti Vindi Vici Der Pathfinder Elesmer Die Stille Noire Aihara Nya Whitepaw Yosorié
 6:06 Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court CM Altheana Dur P M Aeon Qreame Technospoon Yui Matar A Withering Rose Cyk Orochi Kasai Taiyo Ruby Starsword Seekin Takes Shiro
SotO Strikes
 10:59 Dagda Cerus Unclaimed
 3:46 Dagda Dagda Beeboycubed Modern Cereal Sparklieee Emi Nyaa Lyarisa Neobiss Suikawari Gwladus Atlantino Aqwater Engineer
 5:38 Dagda Dagda CM Nika Sharpshooter Mio Minato Illusionary Ama Aella Asteria Nelliel Muet Ash Stealer Yui Not Vamperryc Aura Haewon Seong Just Wasabiiiii V P E
 3:47 Cerus Cerus Aileyah An Actual Ptchou Descending Storm Editable Zey Lightning Q Charnivorous Meau Everlee Roe Ira Fiddlesticks Jinyi Rinali The One Who Burned
 7:14 Cerus Cerus CM Cyelen Hair Piece Mc Clutch Mesmerizing Minty Name Made By Cat Lina Firestrom Niamh Lilacveil Plathair Sergeant Oniell Spear Five
 8:47 Cerus Cerus LCM Kade Faux Marie Stein Necro Cheddar Sizip Verryn Key Adzana Dawncloud Curlz For The Gurlz Max Gauss Revanoid Sif The Deceiver
 1:29 Standard Kitty Golem Standard Kitty Golem Venti Vindi Vici
 1:26 Medium Kitty Golem Medium Kitty Golem Haewon Seong
 1:32  (1-Man) Standard Kitty Golem Standard Kitty Golem ☄️️Mona Dham
 1:26  (1-Man) Medium Kitty Golem Medium Kitty Golem Haewon Seong
 3:24  (6-Man) Vale Guardian Vale Guardian Areki Mirai Lys Illusionmist Subi Cutie Kerkhoven Shy Mela Amaryel Emberwave
 1:20  (9-Man) Spirit Woods Spirit Woods Linsey Okari Galathea A Sella Rike Darkendforge Cinquième Element Esther Of The Stars Öjo Imissherr Bg Bulma
 2:16  (9-Man) Gorseval the Multifarious Gorseval the Multifarious Charred Beastwork Alessia Steinborn I Call Bs Needforsleep Rudhek Valantiophobia The Losing Name Specialist Mimo Qcxznwcxc
 3:23  (9-Man) Sabetha the Saboteur Sabetha the Saboteur Charred Beastwork Alessia Steinborn I Call Bs Needforsleep Rudhek Valantiophobia The Losing Name Specialist Mimo Qcxznwcxc
 4:55  (8-Man) Slothasor Slothasor Valoria Bearhearted Kasara The Black Death Lye Lula Runesword Fresh Squeeze Einmoh Reynold Ainsworth Macanicco
 6:45  (8-Man) Bandit Trio Bandit Trio Crafting Monkey Aelith Mirazh Shub Naiggurath Sleep Amongst Stars Agent Nasu Strickzito N Kameowar Sarkonicus
 3:45  (6-Man) Matthias Gabrel Matthias Gabrel Lys Illusionmist Subi Cutie Andrea Valento Areki Wipes Eyes Mastro The Mechanic Elixir Melanie
 8:16  (8-Man) Keep Construct Keep Construct CM Low Budget Lysithea Tajana Vasuki Alyda Jinx Human Female Necro Waifu Neko Manser Archphysicist Slerp Boffin Reeve Massugh
 3:07  (8-Man) Twisted Castle Twisted Castle Illusionistin Linna Ael Rllaillieu Oak Ey Baroness Von Unfug Revanecido Victor Cid Loire Eduardo Belserion Peter Intschenör
 5:19  (9-Man) Xera Xera Draguts Ranger Meala Paku Shift Pew Pew Gonzo Stunned Mind Darachoth Mesmerizing Minty I Can Hear Dead Ppl Salice Nightcláw Itgon
 15:51  (1-Man) Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable 💜Otin Sen Ja Kysyin
 1:42  (9-Man) Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable CM Glyph Of Tides Alaricrity Cam Fantom Luxcette B L U R L I A N Illuune Shylan Desral Laolily Spencer
 2:37  (8-Man) Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer Crackle Hide Cynn Flameseeker Elemuu Alaryss Veron Dusk Zenith Apollo Kirin Dahlia Henriette Its Personal
 2:42  (9-Man) Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer CM Tsukasa Pierce Enjij Roan The Wise Topaz Starbane Couwcouw Blouw Something Witchy Chocolatess Canach Of Night Parasonder
 7:14  (8-Man) Samarog Samarog Crackle Hide Cynn Flameseeker Elemuu Alaryss Veron Dusk Zenith Apollo Kirin Dahlia Henriette Its Personal
 8:41  (9-Man) Samarog Samarog CM Dendrobatidaé Kieran V Nifelheim Kalina Visior Alyana Falah Kyoumi Shimoda Xx Kabane Shinden X Daphne Amalthea Gerhart Sehr Hart Adriana Von Baldor
 4:51  (9-Man) Deimos Deimos Lumpy Space Neko Lumpy Space Korean Xea Yijng Signet Of Water I Jump For Dps Flowoshi Javaaa Lakhesis Chad Engineér
 6:50  (9-Man) Deimos Deimos CM Anmat Deathbourne Nira Solanum Kasdeya Gomon Hecatia Lapislazulí Trysha Nebelblick Corperator Eléna Raven Four Black Hannibal Scrapper
 4:26  (6-Man) Soulless Horror Soulless Horror Areki Sneeze Oracle Subi Hanekawa Andrea Valento Ashtyn Fils Mastro The Mechanic Elixir Melanie
 2:00  (9-Man) Broken King Broken King Lama Hobbes The Illusive Queen A Disappointment Ayala Frey Aura Marvell Senji Crow Sinanea Dps Kit Fat Central Banker
 1:43  (9-Man) Eater of Souls Eater of Souls Spezielle Bohne Angry Toilet Kasmemer Maide Koneko Meido Ocellarís Quadeshh Critical Damge 💢Kimchi Mazz Goddess Of Sunlight
 0:51  (9-Man) Eyes Eyes Spezielle Bohne Angry Toilet Kasmemer Maide Koneko Meido Ocellarís Quadeshh Critical Damge 💢Kimchi Mazz Goddess Of Sunlight
 6:11  (9-Man) Dhuum Dhuum Chrono Go Brr Kasmemer Maide Dps Bf Ocellarís Critical Damge 💢Kimchi Mazz Toxic Ele Tist Goddess Of Sunlight Madame Sugarwrench
 2:27  (9-Man) Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate Elara Frey S Xy Fallen Daydream Virtuoso Go Brr Quad Ash Typsi Wonderchild Hadi The Blight 🐉Bluentaox Burning Toilet
 3:11  (9-Man) Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate CM Aéra Leaffy Arrow Of Fatality Bob Is Kev Shackleshot Daddy Deimos Maybe Momo Mini Zay Zarek Bertolli Lemon Dealer
 4:54  (9-Man) Twin Largos Twin Largos Jaegraft Wolfshiro Odiums Lightweaver Ultear Realm Crown Frostborn Eloo Siev Alessandra Lelaine Eisa Lanzir Saenyara
 6:07  (9-Man) Twin Largos Twin Largos CM Rorc Lord Defrost Time Keyper Galwen Fox Runs W Scissors Funguy Kio Nelina Lynellae Gonzos Mechanic
 8:51  (9-Man) Qadim Qadim Rorc Lord Defrost Gonzos Hot Ex Wife Time Keyper Galwen Fox Funguy Lynellae Noshiia Moriathis Givens
 5:00  (8-Man) Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina Mr Milkman Hanna Aus Cantha Luna Aus Maguuma Dire Nurse Meloon Mesmer Yoyo Wolf Fat Gerald Luci Odien
 5:08  (8-Man) Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir Linda Von Tinder Mr Milkman Hanna Aus Cantha Confused Fellow Dire Nurse Meloon Mesmer Yoyo Wolf Luci Odien
 3:24  (9-Man) Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir CM Octoquaggan 🍞Luna The Fifth 🍞Fake Mittens 🍞Portal Mimic Blink Amayorri Gáld Isidar 🍞Curry Attunement Caveman Berni Indiga Krala
 5:40  (9-Man) Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless CM Aéra Leaffy Daddy Deimos Maybe Momo Simpmancer Zarek Bertolli Incinerate This Kev The Troublesome Amodea Lemon Dealer
 5:02  (8-Man) Decima the Stormsinger Decima the Stormsinger 👀Khenarik Mantra Of Downstate They Call Me Rebola Sxrdxocvltvristx Arcana Steiner Dan Sully 🦾Plastíque Shadower X E
 7:46  (9-Man) Ura Ura Nira Solanum Mantra Of Meta Ayakashiyami Kasdeya Gomon Trysha Nebelblick Gruftling Plünderin Eléna Raven Corperator Hannibal Scrapper
 1:08  (4-Man) M A M A M A M A CM Adwilinia On Frenzy Grief Compensator Seekin Who Asked Yukari Reki
 1:11  (4-Man) Siax the Corrupted Siax the Corrupted CM Adwilinia On Frenzy Grief Compensator Seekin Who Asked Yukari Reki
 3:22  (4-Man) Ensolyss of the Endless Torment Ensolyss of the Endless Torment CM Adwilinia On Frenzy Grief Compensator Seekin Who Asked Yukari Reki
 2:52  (4-Man) Arkk Arkk CM Vireenah Aura Marvell Laby Rinthos Mariakovana
 4:31  (4-Man) Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Grief Compensator Phantasmal Adwi Yukari Reki Seekin Takes Shiro
 9:09  (1-Man) Icebrood Construct Icebrood Construct Destructive Impulse
 3:57  (4-Man) The Voice and The Claw The Voice and The Claw Zende Ghoul 🐾️Tiberius Tailraiser Raigho Harrowclaw Argus Ironpaw
 2:08  (6-Man) Fraenir of Jormag Fraenir of Jormag Alacazzo 🍕Daran On Twitch Ombra Furtiva Brirock Shandra Nolaloth Giglio Tigrato
 4:41  (4-Man) Boneskinner Boneskinner Alacazzo Ombra Furtiva Brirock Shandra Nolaloth
 3:41  (6-Man) Whisper of Jormag Whisper of Jormag Alacazzo 🍕Daran On Twitch Ombra Furtiva Brirock Shandra Nolaloth Giglio Tigrato
 4:40  (1-Man) Freezie Freezie 🐍 Not Tiny Bonus Bear
 5:18  (9-Man) Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin Crackertastic Dylliedyl Solaandra Zireael Lye Veliona Shadebound Triceratop Necro Gore Frayhound Frotherman Sakai Moka
 6:57  (8-Man) Ankka Ankka Josereberde Mavis Ivana Sky Thera Kuya Molong Zenitsu Ágatsuma Calivr Shahx S A L A A R
 14:56  (8-Man) Minister Li Minister Li Josereberde Mavis Ivana Sky Thera Zenitsu Ágatsuma Calivr Shahx Boris Borisov Popo S A L A A R
 10:46  (9-Man) Minister Li Minister Li CM Aileyah Mist Dream Q On Chrono Awakened Ashley Illusion De Etoiles Zeyrhk Composite Charnivorous Meau Aubry Rinali Vivi Holosticks
 9:24  (9-Man) Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate U T F Feroxa Towertaker Benu La Fenice Exitim Van Flupp Kali Mew Demon Draktharr Fjeppo Eliaz Lenning Maverick Ironforge
 8:47  (9-Man) Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court Actinium Ai No Kibo The Killdilusion Il Diana Gwendydd Feldin Soulfang Wôôdy Meister Green 🍕Zzio Giovanni ❄️Arty Bara
 11:10  (9-Man) Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court CM Jasper I Slave Of Memories Xandra Mindblade Drakaina Heldóttir Gardevoid Skaffa Mortis Weavlia Cthalia Psychical Mech
 8:20  (7-Man) Dagda Dagda Aëliana Teln Nêrou Nyfian Lanai Mikhail Lys Fachtna Arcadios Eos Starsong Tiarthrós
 8:28  (9-Man) Dagda Dagda CM Connorthegamer Kpt Levi Ackerman Yun Tal Zoltán M Mia Die Weise Touch My Portal Miss Uranus Lynn Seelenfänger Kryo Lynx
 4:27  (9-Man) Cerus Cerus An Actual Ptchou Aileyah Mist Dream Q On Pink Class Awakened Ashley Illusion De Etoiles Editable Zey Charnivorous Meau Ira Fiddlesticks