Last updated: 2025-01-18 03:58
Raid Fullclear
Tadpole To Toad [pond]
 2:15:48 Vale Guardian Spirit Woods Gorseval the Multifarious Sabetha the Saboteur Slothasor Bandit Trio Matthias Gabrel Keep Construct Xera Cairn the Indomitable Mursaat Overseer Samarog Deimos Soulless Horror Eyes Dhuum Conjured Amalgamate Twin Largos Qadim Cardinal Adina Cardinal Sabir Qadim the Peerless Greer the Blightbringer Decima the Stormsinger Ura
Wing 1
 12:07 Vale Guardian Spirit Woods Gorseval the Multifarious Sabetha the Saboteur Partition
 1:32 Vale Guardian Vale Guardian Areki Mirai Lys Illusionmist Asdasdasdasdasdasd Niamh Lilacveil Tilted Mela Kerkhoven Olympia Hearthfire Pm Me Your X Rays Subi Shouko Qreame
 0:32 Spirit Woods Spirit Woods Octoquaggan 🍞Anityr Svoldjann 🍞Luna The Fifth 🍞Fake Mittens 🍞Currygan Zerg Lune Of The Dusk Vera Jade Gáld Isidar Hartig Zzazap
 1:09 Gorseval the Multifarious Gorseval the Multifarious Shattered Edate Volatile Mental Censoramancer Karly Withlblower Shattered Dreamsz Charlèt Dodge You Fool Lasagneschichter Aronus Azura 👏Owak Ist Immer Pma
 2:16 Sabetha the Saboteur Sabetha the Saboteur Lynetheth The Wise Lys Illusionmist Shadower X M Virtuoso Go Brr Imaginary Toilet Dogpest Sarah Balthazars Magi Sheherezadde Truus Popie Arcana Steiner
Wing 2
 10:47 Slothasor Bandit Trio Matthias Gabrel Partition
 1:29 Slothasor Slothasor Lynetheth The Wise Hendrika Popie Lys Illusionmist Shadower X M Vera Jade Lady Scheherazadde Ida Sessions Arcana Steiner Howitzer Ssalg Twö Hündred K Catgè
 6:33 Bandit Trio Bandit Trio Xáide Five Guun Danidemulator Drew Destiny Le Kopija Nalíny Gram Nebelschreiter Lea Lightwave Mankel Jade Ramoth
 1:32 Matthias Gabrel Matthias Gabrel Tartiflette Au Thon Lycostaud Directrice De Buche Abonné À Masdak Pizza Aux Épinards Luxusya Bakl Ava Rerol Ingé Horoum Lofi Akane
Wing 3
 8:16 Keep Construct Xera Partition
 3:06 Siege the Stronghold Siege the Stronghold Gaila Frostpaw Wolffle Ai Haysaca Haskha Garbage Dps Combo Burst 🦊Keira Boon Enjoyer Saladmän Tasgàll Wölfer Inluug Slíck Shoes
 2:53 Keep Construct Keep Construct Gf Druid Meme Allyrica Flask Farmer Grrrbox Justine Starborn Many Mashi Memes Pintaliitäjä Thírd What Is A Furry Lyra Fernor
 3:08 Keep Construct Keep Construct CM Najda Moonwalker Pizza Aux Fromages Larxteed Törmir Eazyr José Beurre Salé Lychrono Lâche Moi Naruto 🥖️Stonestrike Enjoyer Rétro Ravied
 0:39 Twisted Castle Twisted Castle Ai Haysaca Haskha Garbage Dps 🦊Keira Boon Enjoyer Aésyr Combo Burst Tasgàll Deirdre The Austere Inluug Sinanea Wia Mallace
 3:47 Xera Xera Frost Melanie Twice As Malicious Cael Windtalon Lolidudu Zazabert Echos Of Memory Subihold Of The Asteria Nux Areki Never Ported Asdsadfasfadadsddsd
Wing 4
 8:19 Cairn the Indomitable Mursaat Overseer Samarog Deimos Lucky Noobs
 0:48 Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable J Monkie Folium Nelumbo I Need Alacrity Letter To Visenya Naeriá Dé La Curio Venom Of Downstate 🚀Ayaaaaa Cairn Daddy Koszkaty Me Say Alone Lamp Kim Chae Soo
 1:02 Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable CM Vegzio A Ciottolo Clone Illusia Felabeorth Asdogs Que Pereza Me Dais 🍕Turbo Daran 💢Little Mazz Brirock Based Damage Investor Dorian
 0:54 Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer Scarlett Heiss Areki Boils Frogs Recepts Shy Mela Tristan Hölzerlips Andrea Valento Docanus Subi Sukebe Cdd Takes No Skill Ewweewewewewewewewe
 1:27 Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer CM Heals And Stuff A Ciottolo Clone Goofy D Drake Mommyimsorry Illusia Felabeorth Asdogs 💢Little Mazz Kalla Stormblade Dorian From Arcane Based Damage
 2:27 Samarog Samarog Attuned To Rng Áurelia Côraxis Mantra Of Downstate 🚴Maylin Nero 🚀Weave Myself J Dara Kim Yon Soo Lady Koszkatka Letter To Eve Lion Pizza Chicken
 4:09 Samarog Samarog CM A Ciottolo Clone Tecnobabble Zazíl Give New Cm Pls Amaelea Chill Guy Tmy 🍕Zzio Giovanni 💢Arcane Font Dorian From Arcane Erithria Shockblast
 2:02 Deimos Deimos Just Buy A House Folium Nelumbo 🚴Aeon Panthera Áurelia Côraxis I Need Alacrity Letter To Kate 🚀Moa Is Dps Loss Kim Yejin J Dara Riju Coya
 3:59 Deimos Deimos CM Tevelas Kidarii Wigilily Continuúm Zenodorus Specialist Mimo I Buy Raids Quartzl Iniuria Jaym Rage Quitted Sydney Belleview
Wing 5
 16:11 Soulless Horror Eyes Dhuum Unclaimed
 1:35 Soulless Horror Soulless Horror Areki Sneeze Oracle Pm Me Your X Rays Subi Hanekawa Guard Buff When Stoic Melanie Kerkhoven Dr Morales Ewweewewewewewewewe Mastro The Mechanic Qreane
 1:52 Soulless Horror Soulless Horror CM Areki Sneeze Oracle Imaginary Baguette Aurora Foxi Subi Hanekawa Andrea Valento Saevel The Corrupt Shadower X N Qreame Elixir Melanie Bad Architect Jr
 2:02 River of Souls River of Souls Areki Sneeze Oracle Subi Tan Agente Smith Y Tal Ayreen The Second Niamh Lilacveil Purple Class Monkas Asdfasdff Qleane Mighty Melanie Purîty Of Purpose
 1:34 Broken King Broken King Lama Hobbes Äntje Von Holleben The Illusive Queen Bellixa Ayala Frey A Disappointment Aura Marvell Sinanea Dps Kit Fat Central Banker
 1:37 Eater of Souls Eater of Souls Cael Aislin Illia Ravenheart Jarlis Oakheart Madam Hatter Miss Stree Miru Kawa Jourmanshin Astrid Darkshield Lady Caraid Bais Furry Barrage
 0:21 Eyes Eyes Areki Sneeze Oracle Subi Tan Agente Smith Y Tal Ayreen The Second Tilted Mela Niamh Lilacveil Purple Class Monkas Asdfasdff Qleane Purîty Of Purpose
 4:13 Dhuum Dhuum Echos Of Memory Areki Boils Frogs Subi Tan Que Pereza Me Dais Shy Mela You Only Wipe Once Cdd Takes No Skill Docanus No Cleansing Bolts Ewweewewewewewewewe
 5:25 Dhuum Dhuum CM Shattering Heals Goofy D Drake Dígital Daggers 💢Phantasmal Baguette Linda Shadowslayer Asdogs Spooky Ciottolo Chill Guy Tmy Kalla Stormblade Erithria Shockblast
Wing 6
 13:42 Conjured Amalgamate Twin Largos Qadim Partition
 1:37 Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate Two Tigers Pogchamp Im Cute Oo Quick Draw Jerry Vpo Dt Forced Me Eva Nakari Purple Fallen Final Dusk Staff Five Memes Sandstorm Yui
 1:31 Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate CM Amarranthine 🍕Daran Soul Beast Trapping Hœs Ârtemiis Immanuel Kúnt 💢Let Me Do It For U A Ciottolo Clone Zazíl Based Damage Eleminnne
 2:14 Twin Largos Twin Largos Jacqueline La Motta Qweane Pm Me Your X Rays Subi Hanekawa Myraebos Areki Wipes Eyes Asdsadfasfadadsddsd Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave
 3:42 Twin Largos Twin Largos CM Goofy D Panther Trapping Hœs S Xy Asdogs Spooky Ciottolo I Play With Souls Kalla Stormblade Dorian From Arcane Erithria Shockblast Based Damage
 4:20 Qadim Qadim Chop Chop Oops Viktoria Twins Crucís 💜Kysyin Mitä Se Oli Tinder Catfisher Chill Guy Tmy Flaming Miragon Lovely Mavis Ari The Sheep Periphery Vi
 5:20 Qadim Qadim CM Warrriottolo Zazíl Déàths Embrácè Amaelea Chill Guy Tmy 🍕Zzio Giovanni 💢Arcane Font Erithria Shockblast Based Damage Eleminnne
Wing 7
 9:14 Cardinal Adina Cardinal Sabir Qadim the Peerless Partition
 2:25 Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina Heal Bladesworn Qweane Big Boy Myra Echos Of Memory Areki Boils Frogs Subi Sukebe Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave Ida Sessions
 2:49 Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina CM Me Für Ihr Mentos Adelheid Von Fugger I Am A Zoomer Grrrbox Chrysa Morifolium Invoker Of Mommies Fgs Enjoyer Ivy 🚴Maylin Nero Areki From Cmaj Kalla Stormblade
 2:15 Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir Qweane Heal Bladesworn Big Boy Myra Echos Of Memory Areki Boils Frogs Subi Sukebe Imagine Wyverns Mighty Melanie Amaryel Emberwave Ida Sessions
 2:47 Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir CM Me Für Ihr Mentos Adelheid Von Fugger I Am A Zoomer Grrrbox Chrysa Morifolium Invoker Of Mommies Areki From Cmaj Kalla Stormblade 🚴Æowyn Erso Ivy La Bellé
 2:55 Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless Areki Boils Frogs Ayreen The Second Pm Me Your X Rays Subi Hanekawa Shy Mela Andrea Valento Petoox Cdd Takes No Skill Myraebos Qreame
 4:19 Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless CM Hlana Geirbjorn Fara Mesmer Hali Beaulieu Valyra Trugschatten Xela Nux No Cleansing Bolts Rill Valem Mooncát Tamina Tek Winry Knox
Wing 8
 17:48 Greer the Blightbringer Decima the Stormsinger Ura Skein Gang Trouble [SG]
 5:51 Greer the Blightbringer Greer the Blightbringer Shadowerg Papa Steiner Saevel The Corrupt Ashtyn Fils Kotori Bater Magister Van Herpen Burning Toilet Kulïo Captain Sinbad Peter Popie
 2:59 Decima the Stormsinger Decima the Stormsinger Die Geile Gisela Fluffy Ari Not Minas Cerus Won Hot Plink Niamh Lilacveil Tinder Catfisher Maria Elsa Viktoria Periphery Vi ❄️Artillery Shower
 3:03 Ura Ura Shadower X R 👀Kurtaraf Ivy Stormrush Arcana Steiner Kulïo Lotus Of Invention Malleus Tempo Beaming Toilet Captain Sinbad Peter Popie
Fractal CM Fullclear
 34:07 M A M A Siax the Corrupted Ensolyss of the Endless Torment Skorvald the Shattered Artsariiv Arkk Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus Eparch Peepo Smush [BONK]
 0:20 M A M A M A M A CM Blinker City Ho I Sic Em Lost Ark Queue Theophysi Tumbling Magic
 0:19 Siax the Corrupted Siax the Corrupted CM Dt Forced Me Katty Softpaw No Stab Plz Superspeed Cat Yinuun
 1:41 Ensolyss of the Endless Torment Ensolyss of the Endless Torment CM Dt Forced Me Katty Softpaw Yinuun No Stab Plz Superspeed Cat
 1:51 Skorvald the Shattered Skorvald the Shattered Babblingly Y Sorrow Atenea Kay La Muerte Suicidä Vitorio Galvani Bardoro
 0:54 Skorvald the Shattered Skorvald the Shattered CM Healsbadcharr Jiangshí Eggdug Radahn Of Aurkus 🐍 Not Tiny Bonus Bear
 0:34 Artsariiv Artsariiv CM Katty Softpaw No Stab Plz I Trap Kawaii Neko Nya Superspeed Cat
 1:19 Arkk Arkk CM Bonc Em Dt Forced Me Ignatius Regis Another Furry Yép
 1:38 Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Lamb Is A Cat Gamer Tree Hugger Momo Eeras Cat Engi Just End Me Pls Stübby I
 0:58 Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Lamb Is A Cat Gamer Eeras Tree Nec Salad Dogman Tree Hugger Momo Stübby I
 6:06 Ai (Full Encounter) Ai (Full Encounter) CM Malia Flamepaws Dodged Off The Edge Yollllo Ákvel Modern Viking
 3:27 Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus CM Amira Cute Àngle Gravediggr Go Brrr Tree Hugger Momo Apo Shiro Caly
 1:14 Eparch Eparch Sireenah Condezgle Aura Marvell Icarium Lifesteeler Wooga Booga
 2:38 Eparch Eparch CM Tryphos Portals Kuroinai Platin Dark Alissa Nèmésis Holographic Godess
IBS Strikes
 9:08 Icebrood Construct The Voice and The Claw Fraenir of Jormag Boneskinner Whisper of Jormag Strax
 0:34 Icebrood Construct Icebrood Construct Vpo Roleplay Furry R P So Untamed Grzegorz Cat Tryphos Continuum Barrage Subgroup Two Go Ice Haewon Seong ❄️Artillery Shower Furvenius Plats Furry
 0:19 The Voice and The Claw The Voice and The Claw Cat Tryphos Continuum Barrage Illusionary Ama Coldis Basément Fur ❄️Artillery Shower Haewon Seong Plats Furry Sleep Eludes Me Forsen Cd Miners Grzegorz V Barrage
 1:05 Fraenir of Jormag Fraenir of Jormag Vpo Roleplay Cat Tryphos Continuum Barrage ❄️Eir Sága Coldis Basément Fur Grze Gorz Haewon Seong Sleep Eludes Me Forsen Cd Miners Plats Furry
 0:36 Boneskinner Boneskinner Tryphos Heals Vpo Roleplay So Untamed Grzegorz Continuum Barrage Subgroup Two Go Ice ❄️Eir Sága Coldis Basément Fur Haewon Seong Plats Furry Furvenius
 1:37 Whisper of Jormag Whisper of Jormag Tryphos Heals Furry R P Budget Miku Continuum Barrage Subgroup Two Go Ice ❄️Eir Sága Grze Gorz Haewon Seong Barrage Slave Plats Furry
 2:10 Freezie Freezie Bleeder Bleppi Tyrnn Lua Artharmiel Silvanus Nocti Wíllow Witch Gakold The Crunk Grace Of Dis Selara Fin Twenty Seven Bees 🎵Arracaryn
EoD Strikes
 26:40 Captain Mai Trin Ankka Minister Li Void Amalgamate Unclaimed
 3:41 Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin Ebel Rallybot Actinium Lne Equals Two Seekin Who Asked Virta Blade ❄️Eir Sága Caeturin Meta Animations Aurelia Ascension The Killdviána I
 5:02 Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin CM Technospoon A Withering Rose The Cykle Ends Yukari Reki Mia Matar Saphire Brightlight Seekin Takes Shiro P M Aeon Altheana Dur Qreame
 3:12 Ankka Ankka Clown E Manigold De Cancer Riddle Of Blades Tythan Regulus Cfox Seven Pahuda Anbörn Sakura Míyawaki Sakai Moka Yydz
 3:39 Ankka Ankka CM Giada Dur Lebensmitteltausch Martha Müllgarten Venti Vindi Vici Cripple And Chill Iluna Nachtschatten Moonlîght Sonata ❄️Artillery Shower Qreame Yosorié
 5:15 Minister Li Minister Li Lady Hulky Actinium Cyk You Thought Drescherine Magister Evelyn Seekin A Purpose Caeturin Jane Sheppard Grond Greyfell Steven Matthews
 6:05 Minister Li Minister Li CM Nika Sharpshooter Ængle Aitch Mod Vision Lightbound Volatile Jerry Chase Atlantic Girl Fallen Weaver Isáye Sandstorm Yui Haewon Seong
 5:15 Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate Mist Drop Everlee Roe Lightning Q Stellar Enchant Jinyi Rinali The One Who Tricked Zeyrhk Composite Charnivorous Meau Inari The Tsunless Vivi Holosticks
 7:30 Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate CM Not Minas Saphire Brightlight Garlic Wall Shion Lebensmitteltausch Seekin Takes Shiro Shurelia Mindblade Venti Vindi Vici ❄️Eir Sága Yosorié Asterius Velermiam
 5:04 Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court Tryphos Heals Phantasmal Yuí ❄️Eir Sága Isáye Grze Gorz Haewon Seong Sleep Eludes Me Forsen Cd Miners Reggers Furry Plats Furry
 5:37 Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court CM Nika Sharpshooter Ængle Aitch Mod Vision Lightbound Volatile Jerry Chase Atlantic Girl Fallen Weaver Isáye Sandstorm Yui Haewon Seong
SotO Strikes
 10:10 Dagda Cerus Unclaimed
 3:24 Dagda Dagda Budget Miku Phantasmal Yuí Leviraz Subgroup Two Go Ice Tryphos Charr Grze Gorz ❄️Artillery Shower Haewon Seong Sleep Eludes Me Holographic Godess
 5:26 Dagda Dagda CM Nika Sharpshooter Ængle Ez Boons Illusionary Ama Vision Lightbound Volatile Jerry Chase Atlantic Girl Fallen Weaver Sandstorm Yui Haewon Seong
 3:31 Cerus Cerus Ich Luvs Drama Brizeh La Charge Marple De Mehtani Mini Zay Pink Soty Gaumhorre Héfilia Lävä Lycorrompu Keira Lasercharger
 6:05 Cerus Cerus CM Bratty Demon Disabled Code Aazak Dread Cyelen Niamh Lilacveil Cat Pics Enjoyer Sergeant Oniell Eleven F Lina Firestrom Hair Piece
 7:47 Cerus Cerus LCM Bratty Demon Aazak Dread Deceptive Tequila Not Asterius Area Chaos Aura Cyelen Rrragnarök Cat Pics Enjoyer Sergeant Oniell Lina Firestrom
 1:29 Standard Kitty Golem Standard Kitty Golem Foxfire Vulpi
 1:26 Medium Kitty Golem Medium Kitty Golem Haewon Seong
 1:25 Large Kitty Golem Large Kitty Golem Venti Vindi Vici
 1:29  (1-Man) Standard Kitty Golem Standard Kitty Golem Foxfire Vulpi
 1:26  (1-Man) Medium Kitty Golem Medium Kitty Golem Haewon Seong
 1:25  (1-Man) Large Kitty Golem Large Kitty Golem Venti Vindi Vici
 8:15  (2-Man) Vale Guardian Vale Guardian Lady Scheherazadde Shadower E
 2:11  (5-Man) Spirit Woods Spirit Woods Greathollow Julia Eternity Hidden Potentiol Weaver Ina Julie Deluxe
 3:56  (4-Man) Gorseval the Multifarious Gorseval the Multifarious Shadowerg Lady Scheherazadde Dogpest Sarah Balthazars
 8:09  (3-Man) Sabetha the Saboteur Sabetha the Saboteur I Am Nika Fallen Weaver Chase Atlantic Girl
 2:28  (7-Man) Slothasor Slothasor Shèèna Fujibayashi Charlottia Imaginary Toilet 👀Khenarik Sweet Potato Flower Aife The Demon Mel Soul
 7:16  (3-Man) Bandit Trio Bandit Trio 👀Kean Kristoff Lady Scheherazadde Shadower E
 3:47  (5-Man) Matthias Gabrel Matthias Gabrel Subi Cutie Maleficent Sven Areki Wrong Green Dr Morales Elixir Melanie
 10:08  (6-Man) Siege the Stronghold Siege the Stronghold Disturbing Toilet Xeventi Mism Ora Parendi Alemnesh Coldstarsofeternity Saffronka
 7:54  (4-Man) Keep Construct Keep Construct Lady Scheherazadde Shadower E Truus Popie Arcana Steiner
 5:38  (7-Man) Keep Construct Keep Construct CM Shèèna Fujibayashi Plants On The Moon Charlottia 👀Khenarik Aife The Demon Mel Soul Burning Toilet
 2:17  (4-Man) Twisted Castle Twisted Castle Chronologist Ian The Pale Theif Qiyana The Conjurer Tsm Baxer
 5:36  (7-Man) Xera Xera Shèèna Fujibayashi Charlottia Imaginary Toilet 👀Khenarik Aife The Demon Sweet Potato Flower Mel Soul
 14:45  (1-Man) Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable 💜Otin Sen Ja Kysyin
 2:52  (4-Man) Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable CM 👀Kean Kristoff Winky Pac Elhos Tarmn Amidamru
 3:38  (5-Man) Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer Geezer Geezer Parlie Charker Lady Shining Lady Liadra Aelleriana
 3:38  (6-Man) Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer CM Moisty Blue Ballz Aetherhero Illusionist Arkk Kahmu Egwe Daddys Mirrage Sheoly
 10:03  (5-Man) Samarog Samarog Fel Kyrie Mistdancer Yùmin Decoi The Blind Tenri Ogtimosa Súpport Jäil Slèèpy
 5:59  (9-Man) Samarog Samarog CM Dantia Deathstrike Piriens Hide On Kai Aimi Sayumi Dr Dôôm Sam Laurenfrost Nam Jíhyun Garth Thunderclap Frozen Noodle
 14:29  (5-Man) Deimos Deimos Jelly Eater Kätzchentorte Morrogh Skillert Jeff Fearsome Kamgow Floor Wizard
 6:05  (9-Man) Deimos Deimos CM Gallathain Rheya Stormclaw Turambar Snow Miss Multiply Confused Picnic Say Mesmer Psychosis Neon Fractal Mosn Its Happyy
 3:58  (5-Man) Soulless Horror Soulless Horror Areki Sneeze Oracle Subi Hanekawa First Aid Med Kit Dr Morales Elixir Melanie
 6:35  (4-Man) Soulless Horror Soulless Horror CM Areki Sneeze Oracle The Miragon Smarmy Wheedle Florundel
 2:53  (4-Man) River of Souls River of Souls Areki Sneeze Oracle The Miragon The Cosmic Tide Florundel
 2:35  (5-Man) Broken King Broken King The Miragon Hedda Liljasdottir Not Yelle Areki Never Ported Smarmy Wheedle
 2:11  (4-Man) Eater of Souls Eater of Souls Areki Sneeze Oracle Cerus Won Smarmy Wheedle Florundel
 1:55  (4-Man) Eyes Eyes Areki Sneeze Oracle Cerus Won Smarmy Wheedle Florundel
 6:51  (8-Man) Dhuum Dhuum Adelana Trysha Nebelblick Eléna Raven Corperator Garat Seruve Hannibal Scrapper Nitori Káwashiro Xeqqt
 6:34  (9-Man) Dhuum Dhuum CM Hadi The Messmör Rodhawen Firenelle Kiyoshi Kaminari Josep In Da Hood Fitaaanec 💢Kimchi Mazz Branded Sovereign Toxic Ele Tist
 1:54  (8-Man) Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate Not Ssalg Peepeëpoopoö Lady Luna Artemis Sakurai Izumi Lys Illusionmist Purple Class Monkas Shadower E Arcana Steiner
 1:47  (8-Man) Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate CM Not Ssalg Peepeëpoopoö Lady Luna Artemis Sakurai Izumi Lys Illusionmist Purple Class Monkas Shadower E Arcana Steiner
 5:24  (4-Man) Twin Largos Twin Largos Shadower X M Lady Scheherazadde Truus Popie Arcana Steiner
 4:35  (9-Man) Twin Largos Twin Largos CM Slonobelka S Xy Hadi The Messmör Mono Purple Tron Chrono Go Brr Fitaaaa Draghoh Downstate Siky Yuki Mi
 6:33  (5-Man) Qadim Qadim Shadower X M Old Man Ali Baba Sarah Balthazars Truus Popie Arcana Steiner
 6:22  (9-Man) Qadim Qadim CM Slonobelka Hadi The Messmör Chrono Go Brr Fitaaaa Mirinwa Just Dïe Mazz On Fire Downstate Siky Playful Kítten
 13:01  (2-Man) Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina Demjin Inej Minion Mykey
 52:10  (1-Man) Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina CM The Miragon
 4:53  (8-Man) Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir Chaomancer Vex Karen Azren Kuroakari Valaerys Shaïtan Akai Chitose Djedka Mistmire Solanace Gloomshade Kerensa Flarewind
 4:35  (8-Man) Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir CM Bounserzx Eluveitie Saxra Purple Epilepsy Princess Of Whales Dodged Off The Edge Ákvel 💢Schrottattilerie Highly Functional
 6:38  (8-Man) Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless Kite Jail Abby Merope Medusa Loka Balfor Relicsoul Bobthegamer Kohoai Tybraun Halrun Jfín
 5:34  (8-Man) Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless CM Slonobelka Mono Purple Tron Firenelle Kuja Messi Caitlyn Kiramnan Yého 💢Kimchi Mazz Draghoh
 10:04  (6-Man) Greer the Blightbringer Greer the Blightbringer Scareecrovv Shadower R X Papa Steiner Lady Scheherazadde Dogpest Ivy Stormrush
 6:04  (6-Man) Decima the Stormsinger Decima the Stormsinger Delphomet 👀Kina Kani Signet Of Downstate Narea Bronk Greedan The Downed 🦾Plastíque
 7:38  (5-Man) Ura Ura Shadower X R Sarah Balthazars Arcana Steiner Captain Sinbad Malleus Tempo
 2:13  (3-Man) M A M A M A M A CM Yelan From Genshin Erdnusssocke Apollon Legend
 1:49  (3-Man) Siax the Corrupted Siax the Corrupted CM Sireenah Condezgle Aura Marvell
 3:22  (4-Man) Ensolyss of the Endless Torment Ensolyss of the Endless Torment CM Adwilinia On Frenzy Grief Compensator Seekin Who Asked Yukari Reki
 2:55  (4-Man) Skorvald the Shattered Skorvald the Shattered Anolora Szaphraios Izzorth Morgim Roua Florilor
 6:46  (1-Man) Skorvald the Shattered Skorvald the Shattered CM Whisp Logfarmer
 1:56  (4-Man) Artsariiv Artsariiv CM Im Cute Oo Typsi Wônderchild Fractal Goddéss Mela Mamas
 2:28  (4-Man) Arkk Arkk CM Ralock Dawi El Barrage Rowel Pat Barrage Turbocharged Barage
 3:54  (4-Man) Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Constantine Mesmer Xx Sonea Xx Ronnie Guard Dragobrath
 2:18  (4-Man) Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM 🚴Livie Lupin Savilor Asienmm Bad Meets E V I L Meowvatar
 7:07  (4-Man) Ai (Full Encounter) Ai (Full Encounter) CM Typsi Wônderchild Josep In Da Hood Quadesh In Shroud Just Wasabiiiii
 9:24  (4-Man) Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus CM Ghost Of Zakaria Mesmerpiv Astros A Raibam Golgari
 4:57  (2-Man) Eparch Eparch Eras Moonbeam Orennug
 3:58  (4-Man) Eparch Eparch CM Lyn Ka Ignatius Regis Neevi Larrin Lin Iris
 9:09  (1-Man) Icebrood Construct Icebrood Construct Destructive Impulse
 3:10  (4-Man) The Voice and The Claw The Voice and The Claw Beefy Bonch Jelly Eater Morrogh Skillert Sezmel Gard
 8:01  (3-Man) Fraenir of Jormag Fraenir of Jormag Fylajkor Markus Cho Làp Dog Matthias
 8:09  (3-Man) Boneskinner Boneskinner Dargimier Mikahime The Asurian Necro
 7:52  (4-Man) Whisper of Jormag Whisper of Jormag Envouteuse Funeste The Number Seven Lady Liadra Aelleriana
 3:46  (1-Man) Freezie Freezie Arrow Of Fatality
 6:25  (7-Man) Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin Dargimier Virenisa Galactic Portal Svilin Gagambina Auror Bauble Mikahime
 5:54  (9-Man) Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin CM Înfected Actually Decent Dps Furry Barrage User Melody Death Koneko Meido Rodhawen Quad Ash Dark Demon Of Death 💢Arcane Font
 6:45  (6-Man) Ankka Ankka Khanos Dragonmaw Rhises Soulshatter Icdana Fjora Ravensoul Yokoshimana Magister Van Herpen
 5:07  (9-Man) Ankka Ankka CM Najda Moonwalker Tilliye José Beurre Salé Mini Zay Lycostaud Marple De Briggs Gaumhorre Héfilia Lävä
 13:28  (3-Man) Minister Li Minister Li Scarlett Heiss Shadower E Arcana Steiner
 8:21  (9-Man) Minister Li Minister Li CM Koneko Meido Melody Death Nelliel Muet 💢Phantasmal Baguette Rodhawen A Moment In Time Kasmemer Maide Quadesh In Shroud The Last Auramancer
 7:27  (8-Man) Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate Llya Lyss Magnoline Memesmer Pyropuffin Conductor Sicca The Grassmann Lux Lachance Okale Refor Anufferele
 14:07  (6-Man) Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate CM Cutesy Ûmeko Kalista Argentum Sizip Choir The Formless 🧪Eliseist Phd Necro Cheddar
 6:43  (9-Man) Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court Babe Egirl Furor Whizbang Celinaes Soren Eldrith Migoto Teiparar Ninjahog Dead Inside Dyl Meguriva
 7:51  (9-Man) Old Lion's Court Old Lion's Court CM Hädï The Hädï Nelliel Muet Tifa Corrino Conjuring Phan Divine Toilet Quadesh In Shroud Eleminnne Dorian From Arcane The Last Auramancer
 36:50  (1-Man) Dagda Dagda Shadower E
 7:22  (9-Man) Dagda Dagda CM Lumi Tara Miké Oxlong Descolle Illísha Kroun Duskborn Kyri Stonewood Da Mo The First Allured Anto Zeroferro
 6:27  (7-Man) Cerus Cerus Llhou Fiona Illusionist Shula Piou Piou 🌸Dark Ai Ko Virekk Gaze Into The Sun Jerem The Bomber
 9:16  (8-Man) Cerus Cerus CM Adzana Dawncloud Awakened Ashley Max Gauss Astra Shimmerwing Sizip Bams Beater Ereshkigal Grace Doofenshmirtz