Registered boss kills for
. Note that these are actual kill counts (not tokens) and not limited to the weekly cap.
Hover over the kills to inspect particular classes on these bosses. Click the boss icon to open the fastest log (or class icon for the most played boss).

Vale Guardian Vale Guardian 147 Kills
Spirit Woods Spirit Woods 6 Kills
Gorseval the Multifarious Gorseval the Multifarious 149 Kills
Sabetha the Saboteur Sabetha the Saboteur 146 Kills
Slothasor Slothasor 130 Kills
Bandit Trio Bandit Trio 132 Kills
Matthias Gabrel Matthias Gabrel 131 Kills
Siege the Stronghold Siege the Stronghold 4 Kills
Keep Construct Keep Construct 92 + 30 Kills
Twisted Castle Twisted Castle 6 Kills
Xera Xera 115 Kills
Cairn the Indomitable Cairn the Indomitable 105 + 95 Kills
Mursaat Overseer Mursaat Overseer 120 + 79 Kills
Samarog Samarog 110 + 75 Kills
Deimos Deimos 106 + 77 Kills
Soulless Horror Soulless Horror 108 + 88 Kills
River of Souls River of Souls 187 Kills
Broken King Broken King 184 Kills
Eater of Souls Eater of Souls 187 Kills
Eyes Eyes 184 Kills
Dhuum Dhuum 179 + 5 Kills
Conjured Amalgamate Conjured Amalgamate 114 + 84 Kills
Twin Largos Twin Largos 120 + 67 Kills
Qadim Qadim 122 + 52 Kills
Cardinal Adina Cardinal Adina 100 + 88 Kills
Cardinal Sabir Cardinal Sabir 84 + 94 Kills
Qadim the Peerless Qadim the Peerless 95 + 75 Kills
Greer the Blightbringer Greer the Blightbringer 40 Kills
Decima the Stormsinger Decima the Stormsinger 39 Kills
Ura Ura 43 Kills
M A M A CM M A M A 305 Kills
Siax the Corrupted CM Siax the Corrupted 297 Kills
Ensolyss of the Endless Torment CM Ensolyss of the Endless Torment 299 Kills
Skorvald the Shattered CM Skorvald the Shattered 302 Kills
Artsariiv CM Artsariiv 303 Kills
Arkk CM Arkk 298 Kills
Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Elemental Ai, Keeper of the Peak 281 Kills
Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak CM Dark Ai, Keeper of the Peak 291 Kills
Ai (Full Encounter) CM Ai (Full Encounter) 9 Kills
Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus CM Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus 259 Kills
Eparch Eparch 6 Kills
Icebrood Construct Icebrood Construct 277 Kills
The Voice and The Claw The Voice and The Claw 89 Kills
Fraenir of Jormag Fraenir of Jormag 83 Kills
Boneskinner Boneskinner 52 Kills
Whisper of Jormag Whisper of Jormag 66 Kills
Freezie Freezie 24 Kills
Captain Mai Trin Captain Mai Trin 22 + 158 Kills
Ankka Ankka 30 + 153 Kills
Minister Li Minister Li 44 + 135 Kills
Void Amalgamate Void Amalgamate 85 + 27 Kills
Old Lion's Court CM Old Lion's Court 0 + 109 Kills
Dagda Dagda 21 + 65 Kills
Cerus Cerus 84 + 7 + 4 Kills
Standard Kitty Golem Standard Kitty Golem 1 Kill
Medium Kitty Golem Medium Kitty Golem 9 Kills
Large Kitty Golem Large Kitty Golem 0 Kills
Scourge 1610 Kills as Scourge
Virtuoso 1321 Kills as Virtuoso
Scrapper 1143 Kills as Scrapper
Holosmith 1104 Kills as Holosmith
Firebrand 853 Kills as Firebrand
Chronomancer 761 Kills as Chronomancer
Mechanist 557 Kills as Mechanist
Dragonhunter 531 Kills as Dragonhunter
Mirage 192 Kills as Mirage
Tempest 123 Kills as Tempest
Soulbeast 58 Kills as Soulbeast
Druid 41 Kills as Druid
Weaver 39 Kills as Weaver
Berserker 31 Kills as Berserker
Harbinger 12 Kills as Harbinger
Daredevil 10 Kills as Daredevil
Herald 5 Kills as Herald
Renegade 2 Kills as Renegade
Catalyst 2 Kills as Catalyst
Reaper 2 Kills as Reaper
Specter 1 Kill as Specter